About me

(Cezary) Paweł Kasprzak, 62 (born in 1961), married twice, currently in a third, informal relationship. He has four sons. His partner and mother of two younger children is Agata Milewska, a philologist, director, producer, author and television editor. Currently, Kasprzak, as a beneficiary of the stipend for carers of disabled children, is not working for money.

Without a learned profession, he did not complete the studies in physics he started in 1979 and then in 1983 in history. He held many different jobs: journalist, columnist, tv manager and producer, author of tv films and programs, camera operator, video editor, but also, for example, a bicycle messenger.

In his youth, he was associated (late 1970s) with the democratic opposition (SKS – Students’ Solidarity Committee), then active in the “Solidarity” period, one of the founders of the NZS — Independent Student Association — in Wrocław. On December 13, 1981, pursued by the political police during the marshall law, he went underground, creating clandestine structures of the student movement. Active in all publicly open activities undertaken at that time. Student senator at the University of Wrocław, student self-government activist (he claims to this day that it was there he learned democracy that respects everyone), active, among others, in in the Orange Alternative movement and mainly in the overt structures of “Solidarity”, where he developed the activity of the trade union (involved, among others, for the improvement of the dramatic working conditions in Wałbrzych coal district). He left this activity shortly after 1989, joining Solidarity during the so called “War on the Top” political conflict, protesting against the Union’s involvement in it.

In the Third Polish Republic he lived privately. He was socially involved in an educational alternative, claiming that the school system is the last relic of totalitarianism in Poland and an acute problem in the category of human rights – but also in the entire civilized world it remains a trace of extremely deep patriarchalism originating back from the times when the common school was created. He was the author of a number of publications (including an academic book) devoted to the curricular and systemic reform of the school. As for politics, he thought that there were better and smarter people than him do deal with it, and that they generally did surprisingly well. Today, he considers these assessments to be largely false.

Since 2015, he has been involved in the civil protest movement against the practices of the PiS government. Due to the promotion of civil disobedience, the refusal to submit to the law enacted by PiS and the demand for an effectively implemented program of social and political change, excluded from KOD (Committee for Defence od Democracy, the main civic organisation then created), he co-created the Citizens of the Republic of Poland (Obywatele RP) movement.

In 2019, he ran for the Senate in the 44th constituency for part of Warsaw and Poles abroad. He came in last place behind Kazimierz Ujazdowski (KO) and Marek Rudnicki (PiS), receiving just over 15%, i.e. 85,720 votes, including – as he claims – the majority of votes of recent voters of leftist Wiosna Biedronia and almost all of the votes of alt-right Konfederacja, which did not nominated candidates for the Senate. Kasprzak’s decision to start was made at the last minute as a result of the announcement of the candidacy of Kazimierz Ujazdowski, recently the vice-president of PiS, an extreme conservative in progressive Warsaw. Kasprzak protested against the formula of the “Senate Pact”, calling it a diktat depriving opposition supporters of the right to choose and forcing them – as in the case of Warsaw – to support an unwanted candidate.

He is now running for the Senate again, following his announcements fro the first attempt. Above all, he wants to force a real election and debate, which the leadership of the opposition party consistently refuses to do. He believes that the Senate should be non-partisan.